CAREERS We are always on the lookout for talented people to join our team. Find out how you can accelerate your career with Alte Exteriors today. Company Applicant Information Full Name * Last, First, M.I. Date * Street Address * Apartment/Unit# included City * State * Zip Code * Phone * Email * Date Available Start * Position Applied for * Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes No If no, are you authorized to work in U.S. ? Yes No If yes, explain Education High School * College/University * Technical/Trade School * Diploma * Yes No Degree * Yes No Other Previous Employment Company * Job Title * Phone * Supervisor * Responsibilities * Start Date * End Date * May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference? * Yes No Want to add more Previous Employment? Yes No Voluntary Information This information is being requested in accordance with federal regulations. The information is voluntary and will not be used when considering you for employment with our company. Racial or Ethnic Group American Indian/Alaskan Hispanic/Latino Asian/Pacific Islander White/Caucasian Black/African American Other Gender Female Male Military Service Pre-Vietnam Era Post-Vietnam Era Vietnam Era Disabled Veteran Disclaimer and Signature I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge Signature * Date *