Hello, New Jersey homeowners! As a seasoned roofing contractor with over 50 years of experience in the industry, we’ve seen roofing trends come and go, but one thing remains constant—the unwavering demand for durability, efficiency, and aesthetic appeal in roofing systems. Today, we’re here to talk about a roofing solution that ticks all these boxes and more: the batten panel metal roof system. Let’s dig into the world of this exceptional roofing choice, understand its benefits, and see why it could be the perfect fit for your home.


 What are Batten Panel Metal Roof Systems?


Batten panel metal roofs are a type of roofing system that involves the use of metal panels installed over a grid of raised wooden or metal battens. The battens create a defined, standing seam look that is not only stylish but also highly functional. This design allows for natural thermal movement, which is crucial in a state like New Jersey, where temperatures can vary drastically with the seasons. 

Batten Panel Metal Roof system Diagram
Batten Panel System Roof size specification drawings

Advantages of Batten Panel Metal Roof Systems:



Metal roofs are renowned for their longevity. A well-installed metal roof can last 40-70 years, depending on the material. This is significantly longer than the lifespan of traditional asphalt shingles, which typically last for 20-25 years.


Weather Resistance:

Our batten panel metal roofs are designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, from heavy snowfall and torrential rains to high winds and hailstorms. The interlocking design of the panels adds to their wind resistance.


Energy Efficiency:

Metal roofs reflect solar radiant heat, which can reduce cooling costs by 10-25%. In New Jersey’s hot summers, this can translate into significant savings on your energy bills.


 Low Maintenance:

Metal roofs require minimal maintenance compared to other roofing materials. They do not rot, crack, or erode, and they’re resistant to pests and fire.


Aesthetic Versatility:

Batten panel metal roofs come in a variety of styles and colors, allowing homeowners to choose a look that complements their home’s architecture. Whether you have a colonial, Victorian, or modern home, there’s a metal roof that can enhance its appearance. 


Metal roofing materials are often made from recycled content, and at the end of their life, they are 100% recyclable. Choosing a metal roof is a step toward a more sustainable future.


Added Home Value:

Thanks to their durability, efficiency, and aesthetic appeal, metal roofs can increase the resale value of your home. This makes them a smart investment for the long term.


Batten Panel Roof System Installation: A Roofer’s Perspective 

As a seasoned roofer, I can tell you that the installation of batten panel metal roofs is an art that requires precision and expertise. The process generally involves the following steps: 


Measuring and Preparing the Roof:

Accurate measurements are essential. The roof needs to be stripped down to the deck, and any repairs to the decking or underlayment are made at this stage.


Installing the Battens:

Battens are laid out according to the specific design of the roof. This grid system will support the metal panels and must be installed with care to ensure the roof’s integrity.


Attaching the Metal Panels:

The metal panels are then installed over the battens. Each panel is carefully measured and cut to fit the precise dimensions of the roof. The panels are secured to the battens using fasteners that are designed to allow for the natural expansion and contraction of the metal with changes in temperature.


Sealing and Finishing:

The seams between the metal panels are sealed to ensure that the roof is watertight. In batten panel systems, the raised seams help to deflect water and prevent leaks. Special attention is given to roof penetrations and edges, where flashing is installed to protect against water infiltration.


Final Inspection and Clean-up:

Once all the panels are in place, a thorough inspection is conducted to make sure every aspect of the installation meets our rigorous standards. We ensure that there is no debris left on the roof and that all fasteners and sealants are properly applied.


Why Choose a Roofing Contractor with Experience?

When it comes to installing a batten panel metal roof system, experience is key. As a roofing company with over half a century in the industry, we bring a wealth of knowledge and skill to every project. A properly installed metal roof is an investment that will protect your home for decades. That’s why it’s crucial to choose a contractor who understands the intricacies of metal roofing systems and who can ensure that the job is done right the first time. 


A batten panel metal roof system offers a range of benefits that are hard to ignore. From durability and weather resistance to energy efficiency and aesthetic versatility, this roofing option stands out as a superb choice for New Jersey homeowners. With our extensive experience and commitment to quality, we’re here to ensure that your metal roof installation is a smooth and rewarding process.


Our commitment as a roofing company with over 50 years of experience is to provide homeowners with roofing solutions that offer peace of mind, efficiency, and beauty. A batten panel metal roof system is more than just a roofing choice; it’s a long-term investment in the protection and value of your home. We understand that every homeowner’s needs are unique, and we’re dedicated to offering personalized service that addresses your specific concerns. Whether you are building a new home or replacing an aging roof, we believe a batten panel metal roof system is a decision you won’t regret.

If you’re in New Jersey and considering a batten panel metal roof, feel free to reach out to us. Let’s have a conversation about how we can bring the enduring elegance and unmatched performance of metal roofing to your home. Thank you for considering us for your roofing needs, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve you!